Sunday, August 16, 2009

The last first day of school ever (I hope!)

In 23 mins it will be the beginning of the end. The first day of my LAST year of school. Though I feel like I've already said this when I entered into this point at U of I with my undergrad degree.... I swear, this is it!! I don't think my nerves can handle anymore.

This year has already started stressfully . I'm not officially signed up for some of my classes because the only spare day I had to do it was Friday, and the school was closed Friday, even though the 1Ls had orientation. (helpful) I don't have all of my books. My friend Brian delieved his to me (which I have yet to pay him for), I'm getting another 1 or 2 from one of the girls I got some of my 1L books from, but those are "in the mail" and have yet to be seen on my doorstep. My last book is crux on a girl who got married this weekend... so I'm guessing that one is lost in the mounds of useless kitchen wedding presents and most likely under a silver ice tong set no one will ever use.
Le sigh.

I also begin my year with no contract ofr my job that starts at 8am tomorrow with the university. I have been strong armed into accepting a contract that not only can easily throw me under the bus, but contridicts itself in many areas. Not that I expect everyone to hire an attorney to do all of their contract work... no wait... if you're going to do specific contract work that is worth a few thousand dollars... then yea... hire an attorney, or listen to me when I tell you what you've written is BUNK.

I'm off to make myself some coffee for my chipper morning tomorrow. If you were to read back to about this time last year, you would know that the coffee prepared at my lovely job leaves MUCH to be desired and can easily be akin to brown water.

So, I'm off to follow a schedule that is not a schedule and to go to a job that I don't technically have and then later to study with books that I do not have.

And as a sidenote: I am not a slacker in any of this. I tried to get the school schedule worked out far in advance and did not hear from my porfessors and the Dean about the correct method until last week. The same goes for my contract at Career Services... I heard hide nor hair of the department until about the 30th of July and was given 1 week to sign, only to find that everything was screwed up... hence the lack of contract at this point. The books I ordered are here on time, and aside from Brian, the books from freinds are those that are lacking and to me... the $400 I saved is worth being behind a few days in reading.

I haven't been able to go see the pony since Wed. I've been stuck here with a bad headache, had a wedding... among all fo these other things... maybe tomorrow he can help with my sanity.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

You know its special when you have a horse that totally loses his mind, and you still love. Today wasn't that day... today was a day on the horse where we melded and understood each other. Today was nice... no one at the barn and a horse in tune to a day of work. I had a rough time today, my back was not going to let me do everything that I wanted to do.. but Fire understood and decided to go with the flow and do the exercises I was able to do.
Even with we fight and he gets frustrated, its okay! I realize he's just a baby and he's only throwing a fit because he thinks something I'm asking of him is unfair. Thats just to me... we can work through frustration, I'm sure I'll get it too.
Sorry for the ramblings... its just hard to put down on paper how nice it is to take time to do something where theres no talking and just behavioral responses. Its a very Zen feeling... a guess a kin to people who get runners high or that can sit outside in the dirt for hours tending to flowers.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Even my computer pet dog has decided he is done. God... this is just going to end and then I'm going to start up with more BS after the weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if I just take a time out break on my own. This pace is NOT something I can keep up with for much longer. Run run run... blah.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our house... is a very very very fine house

this is the house from the front. The driveway is off to the left. You can see part of the fence to the ard on the right. Back yard, that the dogs love, as you can see! The thing on the left is the garage... which I still haven't even seen the inside of.
This little room is off the back of the house and was an add on as a mud room, then finished by our landlord into what I think they were thinking could be a breakfast spot. We find it a great place for recycling and animal stuff.
This is one side of the fully refinished kitchen. The window over the sink goes to the animal room. Joe is pretty excited to have a dish washer, though I think I'm the only one who has used it so far. (Add: Joe said he has used it twice. I know it has now happened once- and that was after the original writing of this. So I'll give him... one.)
I was walking out of the kitchen when I took this photo. To the left is the staircase, the right is the bedroom
This is the little dining area. The built ins are great off behind the table!
This is 1/2 of the living room... its the side that has stuff in it so far!
Having a covered porch is great. I'm so happy to have this!
shot from the front door showing the other part of the living room that is a bit bare, and then the stairs and dining area.
Odd hall space upstairs. Bathroom is behind me, spare bedroom and office is ahead.
Not too much to see here right now... Joe will get his stuff out of storage and add here.
this is just a closet. Just what I need!!! Too bad its so far form the bedroom... being in the office. But its still nice to have the extra closet storage space.
Part of the office. There is a pullout couch to the left.
I think this one explains itself?

The bathroom is behind me here. We have an awesome really deep tub. And the closet in this room is very large.